Starting A JupyterLab Notebook

To start a notebook, we need a project.

Please let David know your username in the Zoom Chat so you can be added to the elements-of-style-kids-first billing group.

Create a new project

We are at the login page, please select so we can create a new project.

We need to select three pieces of important inforrmation.

  1. Enter a name, here I have used Kids-First-INCLUDE-eos - note you will see in the project URL how it uniquely is identified because it includes your user id.

  1. Select the appropriate Billing group. For this course, give David your userid and you will be added so you can select EoS-Include-KidsFirst.

  2. Select Allow network access

❗Important❗ be sure that you select Allow network access

Start a new Analysis

Next, within this new project, we will start an analysis. To do this, select Data Studio and select to create a new analysis.

Name the analysis, here I used Kids-First-INCLUDE-eos-analysis. Next select .

Look over what you have entered

When satisfied that it is correct, press

Confirm it is starting

Upon success, we will see it is starting, lets take a small break.

After we will begin with the Command Line

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